Author: Misho

WHEN? = NOW! – Find Out Why – 5 Truths You NEED To Know

Do you ever wonder when you should get around to pursuing that goal you’ve had in mind? Ever wonder when you should make time to reach for your dreams, spend time with your family, take time out for yourself, learn that new thing you can’t stop thinking about, get in shape, have an adventure, build…

Change Your Life – Change 4 Life – How I Change My Life Into A Life Of Purpose

Do you ever feel frustrated with life, bored of life, angry with life, scared of life, depressed with life or any other variant along those lines? Do you ever secretly yearn for a life of purpose? To have a life of meaning and value, where your direction lines up with who you are? If you…

The Tripod Of Success – The 3 Things You Need To Focus On In Order To Succeed In Anything!

Success on any level and with regards to any human being is defined by only three things – your mental state, your emotional state, and the actions you take. If you want to master your life and be successful, these are the only things you MUST concern yourself with. Of course there are other factors…


So it turns out that thoughts REALLY do manifest reality… And I’m speaking from a strictly scientific perspective. WHAT?! Science says thoughts manifest reality??? THE FIRST STEP IN MANIFESTING Yes, it does… Just that it’s off the record. It’s not easy for scientists to come to terms with these findings, and that’s why the words…


Today I want to stress on the importance of gaining favor with our subconscious. The reason I say “gaining favor” is because control is not something we actually do with our subconscious minds. Instead, what we consciously do is program the subconscious over time. So we never really have direct control over the subconscious but…

“Carpe Diem” – How to get the most out of life

As in most cases, what we need to know has been echoed throughout the ages from era’s long passed. Here a progressive philosopher from the Roman period has a voice that should be remembered… And today we will honor that. In doing so we instill that wisdom he shared so long ago within ourselves, bringing…

The Lost Art of Mastering Semantics and Why It’s Vital in Today’s World

Socrates I’m sure is turning in his grave over the semantic comprehension of today’s world… Not that it was all too different from his own.  But this particular philosopher was stringent in his application of semantics and prominent in its promotion.  During one of his discussions a group of sophists purportedly said to him, “Oh…

My Book Series – Introduction

What is consciousness? In technical terms it can be described as the cognitive processes of awareness. What is a cognitive process? In technical terms a cognitive process could be simply stated as the formulation of thoughts. What is awareness? Unfortunately, awareness on the other hand, cannot be so technically defined. The essence of that word…

Why I Started This Blog

I started this blog to share all the wisdom, knowledge and inspiration I’ve acquired throughout my life.  I want to help people achieve their very best on a personal level and in their life at large.  I also want to extend this to helping the world at large through developing strategies we can discuss as…