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If you want to change your life, you’re going to have to mean it. First and foremost, a burning drive and desire to change has to be welling up inside you. You have to want it bad enough. And maybe you do, or you think you do, but until that drive is strong enough to get you off your ass and into gear, you’re going to have to work on it.
So how do we get this drive and where does it come from? The good news is that it’s simple to get and here’s how: Change your thoughts, change your life. This is the drive maker and breaker. Yeah, the how is that simple. If you change your thoughts, you will change your life. Now although this may be quite simple, it’s not necessarily all that easy for some reason. So in order to find out how we can make changing your life easier let’s ask, “where does this drive come from?
At its root, it comes from your yearning. This characteristic is something you are born with, something that develops along side you, as part of your very make-up as a unique individual. Your yearning is a heart-centered phenomenon that is part of who you are. It’s that part of you with a purpose. It’s our yearning that compels us to drive towards a goal.
How do you access your yearning?… By knowing who you are! (This FREE GUIDE can help you know your truest self). And then, knowing who you are is followed up by synchronizing your actions with this deeply ingrained aspect of your being. Once you get this going, you’re well on your way to changing your life to one of purpose and most importantly, one you enjoy and are thrilled to be living!
So… If I want my life to change, I need to make some changes. And as we said at the beginning, “Change your thoughts, change your life!” Or more pragmatically speaking, “Change your brain, change your life!”
So where do we begin? We begin with being more consciously aware of our moment-to-moment focus. We do this by being present in the here and now. Before we can change our thoughts, we must become aware and familiar with our habits of thinking. This includes those subtle, self-talk conversations that happen in the background of our own minds, analyzing and re-analyzing our previous thoughts, making up imaginings of what’s to come or what should have been.
Take close notice and pay particular attention to the musings of your mind. If your life is not as you desire it to be, you need to make a change in your perspective. Your mind stands as the biggest culprit to your life’s disarray and your greatest asset to your life’s most brilliant achievements. Your perspective in every moment decides how you take what comes your way, so it’s imperative you look at what your current perspective is on something that bothers you and search for ways you can positively change that perspective. Once again, this GUIDE will help you achieve that.
One thing to come to terms with is that we can change our thoughts in an instant, but we often find that our thoughts revert back afterwards, to a habitual process and the same old negative thoughts come pouring in. This is a product of your subconscious mind. This is why your effort must be a sustained one, in order to change your brain’s internal subconscious constructs and make new ones. We may be able to change our thoughts to change our lives – but unless we change our brain along with it, we’ll fall back to where we started and get discouraged. Our thoughts work instantaneously but our brains need time to catch up.
The way through all this is what I like to call, “The Magic of Perspectives.” This is how we master our thinking patterns and create a life according to our desires and yearning. I can’t get into the thick of it here but the general basis is that a perspective is not simply a thought or an experience – it is the view we uphold with thoughts or experiences. This view is a fluid concept, meaning it is ever changing and not static. How we perceive an experience or a thought is defined by our beliefs and these are fluid concepts too.
In the end, you must come to understand that the way you look at things and the way you believe things to be are a construct of concepts you have adopted over time through your life experiences. These concepts are susceptible to your conscious overriding with new ideas. This is where the Magic of Perspectives comes in.
Stop yourself from reacting in your usual fashion at some point and pause to reflect on your inner dialogue while you focus in the here and now. This gives you the space to see yourself instead of be yourself. In this space you now have an insider look to your own shortcomings. From here, you become transparent to yourself and the lies you’ve been telling yourself begin to dissolve.
This is the point where honest reflection is possible and where you gain the upper hand on your direction. In this moment the façade you throw up as a buffer to the world is shown to be what it is – and through it you can start to see your real self – the one who just started to “see” – and begin to unravel the misconceptions you’ve held onto for so long.
From here, you seed your mind with the new vigor that comes with seeing your true self, where your yearning starts to rear its head and show some forceful drive. In the space of clarity you see who you really are and in that, develop a skill to transform to your natural self and let the façade fall away.
This is a particularly beautiful and powerful moment. This, my friend is the epicenter to your self-mastery. Hone in on this, and you’ll propel your life in whichever direction you so desire. This is how you change your life! This is how you find a life of purpose! This is how you carve your way through the misconceptions, pummel passed the negative habits, and drive your life into one of purpose, excitement and fulfillment.
Namaste my friend… Use these words to guide you and don’t forget to get your FREE GUIDE to your deepest understanding of the human being you are. All the best and take charge!
Always working towards helping you achieve your greatest potential,