Do you ever wonder when you should get around to pursuing that goal you’ve had in mind? Ever wonder when you should make time to reach for your dreams, spend time with your family, take time out for yourself, learn that new thing you can’t stop thinking about, get in shape, have an adventure, build that business, start eating healthy, and the list goes on and on and on…
Well I’m sure you’ve figured it out but I’ll say it anyway… The time to do any of those things, including those not on the above list, is now! It doesn’t matter how full your plate is. It doesn’t matter how little time you have. It doesn’t matter you lack the resources. Nothing you can come up with is a valid excuse for why you’re not doing what you’re meant to be doing… And here are the reasons why…
1. There is nothing but NOW
Despite your minds’ predisposition to always be looking towards past and future, there is no past and there never will be a future. Because when the past was happening, it was now. And when the future finally arrives, it will be now. The present moment is all there is and it stays that way for all eternity.
We spend so much of our time thinking about things (always past or future tense) that we seldom fully experience the only thing that actually exists – the here and now – the present moment. But this is the only place from which all things come to pass. This is where the future gets created and where the past is written into history. This moment is the only moment you have and the brutal fact is each moment never comes back! Whether you were immortal or lived a million consecutive lives, the point remains the same; any given moment is the ONLY time that particular moment will arise. So don’t be wasteful of it.
2. Life is a one-time run-through
Life has no replay or rewind functions, you only get to do this once. Why would you spend this lifetime doing anything other than what your soul yearns for? Is there some bigger pay off for letting your dreams slip away? Do you think you’ll get a second chance on your deathbed? What is it you’re waiting for?
Your life has a beginning and an end. Each moment in it, you decide what you’re doing, what it means and why you bother. If you let time slip through your fingers waiting for a better opportunity, you’re missing not only the point, but missing the mark as well. You have ‘this’ opportunity right now, to adjust your present state to whatever you want it to be. From here you sew the seeds of your existence.
Spend your life pursuing what lies in your heart to pursue – whether through leaps and bounds, or increments and baby steps. This is your life – don’t waste it living someone else’s or for what others think is best for you. You and you alone know what is best for you. This is your time to shine, so let’s see that brilliance!
3. You dream for a reason
The dreams you have, the drives that burn within you, the talents that came naturally to you, the yearning that is unique to you alone, is why you’re here. You were born with everything that makes you, “You” because there’s a need for what you possess. Life is here to present an opportunity for you to see these things to fruition – it is your part in life to make your passions come to life!
What passions lie within you that you dare to dream? What lies at the heart of your burning passion for particular experiences in life? What is this drive that arises in us as a deep yearning? Why are we compelled to take certain directions in life?
Some are compelled to dance, others compelled to write, some to build, or design, or draw, or tell stories, or teach others, or be leaders, or raise children… You get the point. Our innate drives that come with our inception as human beings is here to serve a purpose – let us not waste what we were born with, what we were meant to develop, what we were meant to become.
4. The world is depending on you
Evidently, the picture of our purpose goes far beyond our meager selves. And I don’t mean to say we are meager, just that we are a fraction in comparison to the larger picture. Each and every one of us is both autonomous and codependent. Our lives are meant to coexist, cooperate, co-create, co-evolve, and compliment each other. Your life best serves the common whole when you become your whole self. The moment you live your life by your purpose, using your talents and skills to be your best, you will in turn be doing what is best for the world at large.
You have a legacy to leave to this world and it would be a crying shame you didn’t share it. This legacy can be anything. Whether a world leader, a parent, a teacher, or any infinite number of possibilities, each legacy leaves ripples throughout eternity and they echo what you do in the present moment. Make each moment a shining example of your greatest potential and we’ll bear witness to a world transformed.
5. Mastery is magnificence
Whatever it is you have in mind to become… Become it! There are few human sensations more powerful or enjoyable than the feeling of being a master of who you are, what you’re about, what you do, how you do it and, the heartfelt expression of your yearning come to life!
To master oneself is to sincerely become your greatest potential in every facet of your existence. Now understand, this does not mean perfection. Your existence is perfection as it stands – all you want to do is master this perfection. Become a master of your personal domain, innate drives, talents and skills. Master your mind – master your body.
Mastery may be a difficult thing to achieve when viewed in a peculiar way, but know that this difficulty is only a perception on your part and not an undeniable fact. The truth of the matter here is, mastery is a drive we all have in us that pulls us towards our hearts yearning. We come alive when we pursue mastery. We are invigorated by our climb towards it. Just think about how you’d feel in having complete mastery over any part of your life? Pretty powerful feeling isn’t it?
So why don’t we pursue it more often? The problem with us is our tendency to learn from our exteriors rather than from our interiors. We were taught to listen to others, not ourselves. We have habitually become a product of someone else’s thinking – in one way or another; this is true for every person. There’s good purpose for learning from our exteriors but it’s not supposed to be the only valid or concrete way we learn.
Mastery is a balanced combination of learning from our exterior and interior. It is a blend of physical attributes and mental agility. In order to master something, you must seek the external to find what resonates with you internally. Then you need to learn internally what you will later apply externally. This process is repeated until mastery is achieved. You continually seek to increase your ability in any given area – this is the road to mastery. And when it’s a passionate endeavor, it’s not difficult it’s a delight!
I Hope that understanding these 5 reasons “why”, has given you enough arsenal to really calculate that equation when? = now! To put it squarely into your present awareness with the drive to be the greatest expression of yourself!